New live album on the way...

23:57 Edit This
THE WATCH will release a live album, so here it comes our first live album !! It will be released in a few weeks all over the world, as at TW Studio both Simones are working on the mixing right now. It will be available in advance at the november gigs.

Here it is the song list:
1. Sound of Sirence ...big live impact on this number
2. Shining bald Heads ...a classic from the band, with a wonderful final solo from Giorgio Gabriel
3. Berlin, 1936 ...this song gains so much power on live, one of the best band's live numbers indeed
4. The Fisherman of the first classics, signed by Simone Rossetti. A great live new version
5. Goddess tell it in the same words of a friend of us from London: no, it's not Deep Purple on it, it's The Watch.. hehe..
6. Twilight Alehouse/Another life ...a super meadley between an old Genesis single from 1972 and The Watch Another life
7. DNAlien's been the closing song on some of 2008 gigs, ...mellotron and hammond scream on it
8. Riding the Elephant ..a live version of one the beloved band's ballads, with a new final

The Watch Staff